General Fly Spraying

Mist sprayers are one of the most effective, economical and safest methods of spraying for fly and insect pest control. A1 Mist Sprayers is your partner in fly control, fly management and pest management practices. A1 Mist Sprayers is the only company specializing in livestock spraying with mist sprayers. A1 Mist Sprayers makes the preferred insecticide sprayer for control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies and houseflies, as well as gnats, ticks, mosquitoes and other biting insects found on or around livestock. The mist sprayer is useful in confinements, feedlots, lagoons, levees, around buildings, pastures and rangeland. A mist sprayer can be used to spray cattle, dairy, horses, bison, poultry, swine, deer and other animals and their surroundings.

Dr. Jack Campbell (Entomologist, Livestock Insect Specialist) and Steve Nelson (Owner of A1 Mist Sprayers) say that controlling flies and other biting pests is a must for cow/calf operators, yearlings, beef feedlots, deer and other exotic animals. University research and studies have proven this time and time again.

University of Nebraska research supports the use of mist blower sprayer technology for the control of flies on pastured cattle and flies that impact dairies and feedlots. Their studies have shown that calf weaning weights can be negatively impacted from 4-15% and studies have demonstrated calf weaning weights were 10-20 pounds higher when horn flies were controlled on mother cows. They say the economic injury level for horn flies is 200 flies per animal. A fly problem may add up to serious animal health difficulties for dairymen, cow/calf operations, feedlot operators, and more. This leads to a noticeable reduction in profits. In fact, an estimated $1 billion dollars is lost each year because of horn fly infestations in the United States alone. Flies also carry diseases and may cause pinkeye, mastitis, anthrax, tuberculosis and many other health problems. Cattlemen may lose $10-$14 per head each year due to horn flies, and as much as $25-$33 from face fly infestations.

A1 Sprayer mounted on truck spraying cattle.

Common pests that bother cattle

Horn Flies: Horn flies stay on cattle and feed intermittently by piercing and sucking blood. Horn fly numbers on brood cows can exceed 1,000+ and 5,000+ on herd bulls. Studies indicate yearling cattle weight can be reduced by 18%, which reduces weight gains by 10-50 pounds. Horn flies can also reduce milk production by 20%.

Face Flies: Face flies are a nuisance and contribute to health problems. This fly transfers the “pink-eye” organism. Studies have shown that $150 million per year is lost to pink-eye treatments, reduced weight gains and reduced milk production due to face fly feeding and irritation.

Stable Flies: These flies are a serious problem in feedlots, dairies and pasture cattle. They can reduce weight gains in beef feedlot animals by 13-20% and yearling weight gain by 47 pounds per day.

House Flies: House flies can be a nuisance and are often named in complaints in lawsuits. Since the life cycle of these flies during warm weather is 10-21 days, it is important to provide continuous control with proper rotation of product and timely treatment. You should begin your spraying program prior to the first appearance of flies in the spring season.

You gain maximum benefit from the pest control product that you spray on your cattle and premises with the A1 Mist Sprayer. No more pinkeye! Better overall health! More milk production! Another benefit is that your animals will go into fall/winter months mange and lice free. You get better gain to feed ratios and it makes your livestock easier to manage.

Mosquitoes (West Nile) + -

Method: Piercing – Sucking Mouth (Probocis)

Feeds on: Blood

Rest On/Roosts On: All vegetation, wet areas, along creeks, streams, etc.

Ticks + -

Method: Piercing – Sucking

Feeds on: Blood

Rest On/Roosts On: All vegetation, primarily grass

Lice + -

Method: Sucking – Chewing

Feeds on: Blood, Body Fluids

Rest On/Roosts On: On Livestock

Deer & Horse Flies (Tabanids) + -

Method: Cutting – Sponging

Feeds on: Blood

Rest On/Roosts On: All vegetation, trees, wet areas, along creeks, streams, etc.

Stable Fly + -

Method: Piercing – Sucking

Feeds on: Blood

Rest On/Roosts On: Shady sides of buildings, fences and vegetation

Horn Fly + -

Method: Piercing – Sucking

Feeds on: Blood

Rest On/Roosts On: Primarily cattle

Face Fly + -

Method: Sponging

Feeds on: Fluid from eyes, mouth, nose, blood (when available)

Rest On/Roosts On: Primarily on cattle and vegetation near livestock

House Fly + -

Method: Sponging

Feeds on: All animal fluids and any food particles

Rest On/Roosts On: In sunny areas until it gets too hot. Under eaves at night, in and around structures, feed bunks, vegetation and trees.